Resurrecting My Magic Review 3
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This book is an absolute must read. It’s the sequel to “Magic, Monsters and Me” and the development of the story and the...
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This book is an absolute must read. It’s the sequel to “Magic, Monsters and Me” and the development of the story and the...
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I loved "Magic, Monsters and Me" and this sequel really delivers! "Resurrecting My Magic" is an absolute masterpiece that...
"In the thrilling sequel to 'Magic, Monsters and Me,' Elijah Delomary battles dark forces and deceit, finding strength in his magic and love
Join Elijah in the thrilling sequel to "Magic, Monsters and Me," where love and courage are his ultimate weapons against darkness & deceit
Viv wasn’t too excited when she was sent to Beverly Hills to interview the one and only Devlina! Her boss at the Delomary Trust gave her...
Learn how to say several common words that Magicals use everyday. you haven’t already picked up a...
"...Austin chewed on his burgers and zoned out. The hair on my arms began to rise, and I felt a sickness in my stomach. I looked at...
Li trembled on the floor near the sink, crying softly. “Everything will be okay, ma’am,” Austin said. “I’m here to help. You don’t need...
Vivian visited the non-descript strip mall off Glenoaks Boulevard in Burbank to sit down with his eminence, Máurso, the God of War, and...
Monsters are different in the world of the Magicals Alliance.
Vivian Van Tussle visits the Delomary Mansion in Burbank to interview the heir to the Delomary fortune, Elijah Delomary in the meadow of...
Li Tsang sighed, glancing at the white plastic clock over the stainless steel commercial refrigerator in the corner. 4AM. Her husband...
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